Issue - meetings

Early Help and Children's Centres in Derbyshire

Meeting: 29/04/2024 - Cabinet (Item 80)

80 Early Help and Children's Centres in Derbyshire pdf icon PDF 1 MB




1)   Approve the disestablishment of the Council’s existing Early Help teams and Children’s Centres;


2)   Confirm that further funding for the Early Help Development Service should not be provided; and


3)   Approve the implementation of a new service model for Family Help in Derbyshire, the retention of 12 Children’s Centre buildings, and the closure of 10 Children’s Centre buildings.


An answer to the question submitted by Councillor Dixon was provided as follows:


“The Early Years Service is not to be disestablished; the changes proposed are to the Council’s Early Help Service. Following the implementation of the revised Early Help service we will monitor closely the impact of the changes for children and their families through a suite of indicators, along with the impact on the Council’s finances and consideration will be given as to how we respond. 


Councillor J Patten introduced a report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, that sought approval of the proposals in relation to Early Help and Children’s Centres in Derbyshire.




1)   Approve the disestablishment of the Council’s existing Early Help teams and Children’s Centres;


2)   Confirm that further funding for the Early Help Development Service should not be provided; and


3)   Approve the implementation of a new service model for Family Help in Derbyshire, the retention of 12 Children’s Centre buildings, and the closure of 10 Children’s Centre buildings.