Issue - meetings

De-carbonising the Corporate Estate

Meeting: 05/02/2024 - Improvement and Scrutiny Committee - Climate Change, Biodiversity and Carbon Reduction (Item 7)

7 De-carbonising the Corporate Estate pdf icon PDF 139 KB

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David Beard introduced the report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, asking Committee to note progress on the plans to decarbonise the Council’s estate and achieve Net Zero by 2032 or sooner; endorse the updated targets as noted in the proposed Carbon Reduction Strategy; to note the impact of the exceptional budget/cost control measures which would defer the delivery of carbon reduction and energy efficiency projects; and to endorse the proposal to progress the proposed solar farm at Williamthorpe.


The report was accompanied by a presentation which highlighted the reduction in energy consumption since 2022 and current predicted targets. Fuel use should primarily be ‘green’ by 2032 withlow carbon emissions and fossil fuels being progressively replaced.  Residual emissions would be offset by renewable energy generation.  Funding for future initiatives was a challenge resulting in current carbon reduction projects being put on hold.  It was proposed that a business case would be put forward to recycle capital receipts to fund future projects.


Mr Beard went on to explain the rationale around the development of the proposed solar farm at Williamthorpe Farm for which a new application for planning permission was required.  The site already had the benefit of a secured grid connection and had been allocated capital funding.  The development was expected to generate income to pay back development costs as well as generate 3.2 million kWh of renewable energy per annum, providing 25% of the offsetting capacity required for carbon emissions associated with property.  Measures had been taken regarding visual impact and biodiversity loss and the Climate Change and Environment Board had endorsed the recommendation to proceed.


Members of the Committee were given the opportunity to ask questions in relation to the report and additional information given in the presentation. It was confirmed that ecologists had undertaken the necessary assessments of the impact on the site.


On behalf of the Committee, the Chairman thanked Mr Beard for his report and presentation.




1)    Note progress on the plans to decarbonise the council’s estate and achieve Net Zero by 2032 or sooner;


2)    Endorse the updated targets as noted in the proposed Carbon Reduction Strategy; 


3)    Note the impact of the exceptional budget/cost control measures which will defer the delivery of carbon reduction and energy efficiency projects; and


4)    Endorse the proposal to progress the proposed solar farm at Williamthorpe.