Issue - meetings

Residential care and day care for older people

Meeting: 29/04/2024 - Cabinet (Item 76)

76 Residential care and day care for older people pdf icon PDF 160 KB

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1)   Approve the programme of formal public consultation for a period of 12 weeks on the two proposed options concerning the future of the eleven residential homes and integrated day opportunities for older people, and all of the non-integrated day opportunities for older people; and


2)   Receive a further report following the conclusion of the consultation process, including an Equality Impact Analysis.


An answer to the question submitted by Councillor Dixon was provided as follows:


“In developing proposals for the cabinet paper, we have undertaken background work in regards to capacity within the Private, Voluntary and Independent Sector to support older adults that would be potentially impacted. As would be expected, there is a significant proportion (65%) of people attending the eight ‘non’ integrated’ day centres with a dementia recorded on care planning documentation although not all have a formal diagnosis of dementia.


There are 16 PVI providers offering 63 flexible day opportunities that are advertised as being available to older adults with dementia across Derbyshire. A number of these flexible services are advertised as being available on a county wide basis. The flexible framework for day opportunities is designed to respond and flex to changes in demand with providers moving to meet demand where it arises. In addition to these opportunities, 57 PVI Registered Care Homes have signed up to DCC's Day Care T&C's, 41 of which have dementia as a registered specialism with CQC and 9 with the DCC Dementia Standards award.


In addition to these alternatives, people have the option to use their personal budget and access direct payments to employ a Personal Assistant for their care and support.


There are 54% of people in the 9 residential settings referenced in option 1, with a dementia recorded on care planning documentation although not all have a formal diagnosis of dementia. In option 2 there are a further two homes referenced, Lacemaker Court and Florence Shipley, where every person must have dementia as a primary care need to be eligible to reside. (Therefore 61% across the eleven settings have dementia recoded on care planning documentation).


In terms of alternative residential care, there are 78 PVI providers of residential care that the Council contract with across the county. With the exception of the Leys, there is currently sufficient capacity within the PVI to accommodate all long-term residents from the care homes referenced in the cabinet paper at option two, within a ten mile radius of their current provision, should that be required. For the Leys, there is sufficient capacity within PVI to accommodate all residents within a 12 mile radius of their current provision, should that be required. This would of course be subject to an individual assessment of need prior to any move taking place.”


Councillor N Hoy introduced a report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, that sought approval to undertake public consultation in relation to the future delivery of the Council’s residential care homes and day opportunities for older people.




1)   Approve the programme of formal public consultation for a period of 12 weeks on the two proposed options concerning the future of the eleven residential homes and integrated day opportunities for older people, and all of the non-integrated day opportunities for older people; and


2)   Receive a further report following the conclusion of the consultation process, including an Equality Impact Analysis.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 76