132 Preparation of Budget 2024-25 PDF 142 KB
1) Approve the timetable for completion of the 2024-25 budget, including arrangements for consultation with stakeholders and the carrying out of an assessment of the need for a full equality impact assessment on budget saving proposals;
2) Note the proposals for reviewing and updating the Five-Year Financial Plan; and
3) Note the arrangements for reviewing Earmarked Reserves and updating the General Reserve projections.
Councillor B Lewis introduced a report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, that sought approval for the proposed timetable for the Council’s 2024-25 budget preparation and procedures and the associated consultation arrangements.
1) Approve the timetable for completion of the 2024-25 budget, including arrangements for consultation with stakeholders and the carrying out of an assessment of the need for a full equality impact assessment on budget saving proposals;
2) Note the proposals for reviewing and updating the Five-Year Financial Plan; and
3) Note the arrangements for reviewing Earmarked Reserves and updating the General Reserve projections.