Issue - meetings

Safer Roads Fund Projects - A5012 ‘Via Gellia’ Cromford to Newhaven

Meeting: 21/09/2023 - Cabinet (Item 140)

140 Safer Roads Fund Projects - A5012 ‘Via Gellia’ Cromford to Newhaven pdf icon PDF 136 KB

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1)   Accept the responses to the public consultation events held for the A5012 Via Gellia Safer Roads Fund (SRF) project and on-going consultation with statutory consultees;


2)   Accept the scope of works recommended to be procured which may vary from those consulted upon and agreed with the Department for Transport (DfT) in December 2022;


3)   Accept the strategy for procuring the works through the County’s internal Highway and Construction Services Team;


4)   Accept the anticipated installation costs for each proposed safety interventions for the A5012 Via Gellia route;


5)   Give authority for officers to work within the overall budget for the three SRF projects to a confirmed value of £6.798m by not implementing safety interventions that cannot be afforded; and


6)   Accept the findings of the Equalities Impact Assessment for the Safer Roads Fund projects.


Councillor C Cupit introduced a report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, that gave an update and outlined plans following the public consultation events in relation to the Safer Roads Fund Projects for the A5012 ‘Via Gellia’ Cromford to Newhaven.




1)   Accept the responses to the public consultation events held for the A5012 Via Gellia Safer Roads Fund (SRF) project and on-going consultation with statutory consultees;


2)   Accept the scope of works recommended to be procured which may vary from those consulted upon and agreed with the Department for Transport (DfT) in December 2022;


3)   Accept the strategy for procuring the works through the County’s internal Highway and Construction Services Team;


4)   Accept the anticipated installation costs for each proposed safety interventions for the A5012 Via Gellia route;


5)   Give authority for officers to work within the overall budget for the three SRF projects to a confirmed value of £6.798m by not implementing safety interventions that cannot be afforded; and


6)   Accept the findings of the Equalities Impact Assessment for the Safer Roads Fund projects.