Issue - meetings

Regeneration Pipeline Programme - South Derbyshire Growth Zone – Infinity Park Spencer Academy Access

Meeting: 21/09/2023 - Cabinet (Item 138)

138 Regeneration Pipeline Programme - South Derbyshire Growth Zone – Infinity Park Spencer Academy Access pdf icon PDF 1 MB


RESOLVED to approve:


1)   The inclusion of the proposed access to the new Infinity Park Spencer Academy within the scope of the South Derbyshire Growth Zone project;


2)   The allocation of £892,000 from the balance of the Children’s Services 2018-19 Basic Need/School Condition Allocation;


3)   The preparation and submission of a planning application, including carrying out public consultation; and


4)   The procurement of project management, property, planning, design and construction resources.


Councillor C Renwick introduced a report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, that gave an update in relation to the Regeneration Pipeline Programme, South Derbyshire Growth Zone and Infinity Park Spencer Academy Access.


RESOLVED to approve:


1)   The inclusion of the proposed access to the new Infinity Park Spencer Academy within the scope of the South Derbyshire Growth Zone project;


2)   The allocation of £892,000 from the balance of the Children’s Services 2018-19 Basic Need/School Condition Allocation;


3)   The preparation and submission of a planning application, including carrying out public consultation; and


4)   The procurement of project management, property, planning, design and construction resources.