Issue - meetings

Sustainable Travel Programme Update

Meeting: 16/03/2023 - Cabinet (Item 49)

49 Sustainable Travel Programme Update pdf icon PDF 145 KB






1)    Note the significant progress that has been made in delivering the Key Cycle Network across Derbyshire;


2)    Approve the proposed forward plan of activities as set out in section four of the report, including a series of community engagement exercises, subject to all planned funding being confirmed;


3)    Approve to accept the Active Travel Capability and Ambition Fund Grant 2022 od £285,069 to undertake further feasibility and business case development for sustainable travel opportunities;


4)    Note the submission of a bid to the Active Travel Fund Tranche 4 which has been developed in consultation with the Executive Director of Place, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for  Infrastructure and Environment; and


5)    Delegate authority to the Executive Director of Place, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Infrastructure and Environment to modify the planned Key Cycle Network delivery programme as required, providing it remains consistent with the Council’s priorities and aspirations for sustainable travel.


Councillor C Renwick introduced a report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, that provided a progress update on the delivery of the key cycle network and that sought approval for the proposed forward plan of activities as set out in Section four of the report, including a series of community engagement exercises.


Additionally, approval was sought to accept the Active Travel Capability and Ambition Fund Grant 2022 of £285,069 to undertake further feasibility and business case development for sustainable travel opportunities and note the submission of a bid to the Active Travel Fund Tranche 4 to support a forward programme of work.


Finally, approval was sought to delegate authority to the Executive Director of Place, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Infrastructure and Environment to modify the key cycle network delivery programme as required, providing it remains consistent with the Council’s priorities and aspirations for sustainable travel.




1)    Note the significant progress that has been made in delivering the Key Cycle Network across Derbyshire;


2)    Approve the proposed forward plan of activities as set out in section four of the report, including a series of community engagement exercises, subject to all planned funding being confirmed;


3)    Approve to accept the Active Travel Capability and Ambition Fund Grant 2022 od £285,069 to undertake further feasibility and business case development for sustainable travel opportunities;


4)    Note the submission of a bid to the Active Travel Fund Tranche 4 which has been developed in consultation with the Executive Director of Place, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for  Infrastructure and Environment; and


5)    Delegate authority to the Executive Director of Place, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Infrastructure and Environment to modify the planned Key Cycle Network delivery programme as required, providing it remains consistent with the Council’s priorities and aspirations for sustainable travel.