Issue - meetings

Actuarial Valuation

Meeting: 07/12/2022 - Pensions and Investments Committee (Item 20)

20 Actuarial Valuation pdf icon PDF 125 KB

To inform PIC of the initial results of the March 2022 actuarial valuation, to seek approval of the draft updated Funding Strategy Statement for consultation, and to seek approval for the draft updated Admission, Cessation and Bulk Transfer Policy.

Additional documents:


The Committee were informed of the initial whole fund results of the actuarial valuation (the Valuation) of Derbyshire Pension Fund (the Fund/Pension Fund) at 31 March 2022 and to seek approval of the Fund’s draft updated Funding Strategy Statement, attached as Appendix 2, for consultation with relevant stakeholders.


Approval was sought for the Fund’s draft updated Admission, Cessation and Bulk Transfer Policy at Appendix 3.




1) Notes the initial whole fund results of the actuarial valuation of Derbyshire Pension Fund.

2) Approve the Fund’s draft updated Funding Strategy Statement, attached as Appendix 2, for consultation with relevant stakeholders.

3) Approve the Fund’s draft updated Admission, Cessation and Bulk Transfer policy, attached as Appendix 3.