42 Climate Change Strategy: Annual Review of Progress PDF 687 KB
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Caroline Toplis, Programme Manager – Climate Change introduced the report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting and which provided an annual summary of progress against the delivery of Derbyshire County Council Climate Change Strategy and the Council’s net zero targets. The report provided a summary of the relevant national and regional policy, legislation and governance changes and updates, the progress made against the Council's net zero targets and each target and action within the Strategy, plus details on other key projects, initiatives and schemes.
The report was accompanied by a presentation and highlighted elements and a breakdown of the Cabinet Annual report, which gave a summary of progress against delivery. Key points from the report showed reductions in property, streetlighting and fleet carbon emissions however, progress was slowing and the Council was facing a potential shortfall in necessary emissions by 2021/32. These could be offset through renewable energy however the focus needed to remain on reducing emissions and the steps being taken towards this were discussed.
The Committee recognised that a lot had already been achieved however there were still some challenges ahead including the nationally recognised issue of the lack of bicycle infrastructure and the setting of more ambitious, local targets. To aid understanding, Committee again requested that emission targets be expressed in more tangible ways rather than tonnage.
1. Note the relevant national and regional policy, legislation and governance changes and updates over the past 12 months that might have implications on the Council's climate change;
2. Note the progress being made against the Council's net zero target of 2032, or sooner, and the county’s net zero target of 2050, and the challenges being faced to reduce emissions from corporate property, streetlighting, core fleet and grey fleet;
3. Note the progress being made against each target and action within the Strategy; and
4. Note the other key projects, initiatives and schemes that are contributing to the Council's climate change and wider sustainability agenda and objectives.