27 Vision Derbyshire Climate Change Strategy PDF 393 KB
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Caroline Toplis, Programme Manager – Climate Change introduced the report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting and provided with an update on the climate change work being undertaken with the district and borough councils through Vision Derbyshire and which enabled the Vision Derbyshire Climate Change Strategy to be delivered. The report was supported by a presentation.
Four priority areas had been identified and expanded on: Renewable and low carbon energy; Planning; Housing retrofit; and Tree planting. Governance structures would be built on existing arrangements, the development and implementation of the four priority areas, action plan and continued joint working were the next steps going forward.
Committee members asked a number of questions following the presentation and requested that the Action Plan be brought to a future meeting.
1. Note the climate change work being undertaken with the district and borough councils through Vision Derbyshire; and
2. Request the draft Action Plan be brought to the November 2022 meeting and that officers provide a briefing paper to committee members about decarbonising Derbyshire’s homes and comment on the feasibility of setting up a ‘One-Stop Retrofit Shop’ to support residents wishing to take steps to retrofit their homes.