207 Low Level Support PDF 172 KB
Additional documents:
1) Approve the redesign and procurement of a low-level support service in line with the proposal laid out in section 4.32-35 of the report;
2) Allow the current commissioned contracts and Inter Authority agreements that deliver the Older People’s Independent Living Services to come to their natural end on 31 March 2024; and
3) Note the progress of the system wide review of the Falls Recovery Service the that is currently embedded in the Older People’s Independent Living Service as described in section 4.27 of the report.
Councillor N Hoy introduced a report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, setting out proposals for the future provision of the Older People’s Independent Living Services.
1) Approve the redesign and procurement of a low-level support service in line with the proposal laid out in section 4.32-35 of the report;
2) Allow the current commissioned contracts and Inter Authority agreements that deliver the Older People’s Independent Living Services to come to their natural end on 31 March 2024; and
3) Note the progress of the system wide review of the Falls Recovery Service the that is currently embedded in the Older People’s Independent Living Service as described in section 4.27 of the report.