Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Health and Communities
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To agree the award of recovery month grants for activity taking
place across the county during Recovery Month in September
That Cabinet Member for Health and Communities:
a) Approve the award of Recovery Month Grants to a total value of £3,999.95 for Recovery Month activities to five organisations as outlined in section 4.6 of the report.
b) Note the grants will be funded from the Public Health Grant for activity taking place across the county during Recovery Month in September 2023.
The five applications meet the criteria for Recovery Month grant funding and the events can promote recovery activities in Derbyshire in Recovery Month in 2023.
Alternative options considered were:
· Do nothing – one option would be to not run the Recovery Month grants this year. This would mean that Derbyshire does not take part in a nationally recognised event promoting recovery, and the associated benefits to people in recovery from substance use living in Derbyshire would be lost. If Recovery Month events do not go ahead, recovery, and celebrating the achievements of people in recovery, will not be promoted on a significant scale, stronger recovery communities will not be built, and associated stigmas will not be challenged.
· Another option would be to provide grants to host fewer events, on a larger scale as part of Recovery Month, as was the approach prior to 2019. However, this was resource intensive and time consuming to organise. In addition, smaller recovery organisations from other parts of the county would be struggling to take part in a meaningful way, and recovery would not be promoted county-wide.
Publication date: 08/08/2023
Date of decision: 08/08/2023
Effective from: 16/08/2023
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