Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Health and Communities
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Seeking Cabinet Member Approval to change Amber Valley Health
and Wellbeing Partnership funding recipient to Amber Valley
That the Cabinet Member for Health and Communities approves:
a) The replacement of the previously approved recipient for the Amber Valley Health and Wellbeing Partnership funding (Amber Valley Council) with Amber Valley CVS with effect from 1st August 2023
b) The transfer of that £99,685.51 to Amber Valley CVS as part of the main locality agreement for 2022-23 to be spent within the 2023-24 financial year.
c) The transfer of£99,685.51 to Amber Valley CVS as part of the main locality agreement for 2023-24
d) The transfer of£50,000 to Amber Valley CVS as part of grant expenditure plan for the Contain Outbreak Management Fund for 2023-24 for the extension of the community approach to support the emotional wellbeing of children and young people impacted by the pandemic through effective prevention and promotion strategies.
e) The transfer of£50,000 to Amber Valley CVS as part of the grant expenditure plan for the Contain Outbreak management Fund for 2024-25 for the extension of the community approach to support the emotional wellbeing of children and young people impacted by the pandemic through effective prevention and promotion strategies.
The Public Health Locality Programme contributes to improving health, wellness and reducing health inequalities at a local level. The eight Health and Wellbeing Partnerships facilitate the involvement of local partners and communities using a collaborative approach in the design and delivery to improve local health outcomes.
The change to recipient will mean the Amber Valley CVS can receive the devolved funding and implement the Health and Wellbeing Partnership locally agreed community activities to improve health and wellbeing for the local population.
To apply the Contain Outbreak Management Funding in accordance with the latest guidance to address some of the most significant ongoing impacts of the pandemic on the residents of Derbyshire.
This is not a preferred option. The funding would not be directly devolved to the Amber Valley Health and Wellbeing Partnership and would need to be held by Public Health, and each item of spend would need to come to the Cabinet Member for approval creating considerable delays to decision on individual health projects, administration and resources, and ultimately delaying health improvements within the Amber Valley region.
Publication date: 24/07/2023
Date of decision: 24/07/2023
Effective from: 01/08/2023
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