Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To ensure the sustainability of Adult Social
Care support now and in the future, approval will be sought to
publicly consult on a redesign of the current Council owned direct
care offer of five short stay residential homes and four
building-based day centres for people with a learning disability
and/or who are autistic.
Adult Social Care will seek to ensure that any proposals made for
the redesign of the direct care services offer includes a
enablement, reablement and progression emphasis to enable people to
plan for their future and to be supported to become as independent
as they are able to be, with the aim of improving outcomes for
local residents and ensuring the most efficient use of public
1) Approve the programme of formal public consultation for a period of 12 weeks on the two proposed options concerning the future of the day opportunities for people with a learning disability and/or who are autistic;
2) Approve the programme of formal consultation for a period of 12 weeks on the two proposed options concerning the short break residential units for people with a learning disability and/or who are autistic; and
3) Receive a further report following the conclusion of the consultation process, including an updated Equality Impact Analysis.
Report author: Linda Elba-Porter
Publication date: 11/04/2024
Date of decision: 11/04/2024
Decided at meeting: 11/04/2024 - Cabinet
Effective from: 19/04/2024
Accompanying Documents: