Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Adult Care
Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Request to extend the existing discretionary
grant to Our Vision Our Future, for a period of twelve months, for
the provision of advocacy related services to people with a
learning disability.
The Cabinet Member for Adult Care approved the award of an interim discretionary grant to Our Vision Our Future, in accordance with the Council’s Financial Regulations.
The interim grant proposed aligned with agreed grant policies and processes and would bridge any gap between the current provision and outcome of planned future review.
It will be necessary to extend the grant funding to enable the consultation process to take place and report back to Cabinet with the findings.
There is insufficient time to conduct a consultation and report to Cabinet before the existing grant expires.
The Council could let the current grant expire.
This option is not recommended for the following reasons:
• Failure of the Council to fulfil its commitment to provide a minimum of three months’ notice of any funding change in line with the Derbyshire Compact.
• After thirty years of DCC support it would be reasonable to expect the service to have made future plans on the premise they will continue to receive funding.
• Allowing the funding to end with such short notice would have a detrimental impact on people who draw on the service’s support and is likely to create a significant amount of reputational damage for the Council.
• The 11 January finance Cabinet report proposes a period of consultation before any decisions are made regarding the funding and if approved, would mean the funding must continue in the interim.
Prior to the current grant expiring, the Council could assess and/or review everyone who accesses the service to identify Care Act eligible needs which would generate a personal budget to fund alternative activities or a placement with the service, operating under a different model.
This option is not recommended for the following reasons:
• There is insufficient time to complete assessments for the number of people accessing the service before the current grant expires.
• The service will not have the time to consider their future options and the organisational impact of withdrawing the grant.
• The 11 January Cabinet Paper proposes a period of consultation before any decisions are made regarding the funding and if approved, would mean the funding must continue in the interim.
Publication date: 11/03/2024
Date of decision: 11/03/2024
Effective from: 19/03/2024
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