Decision details

Children's Services Capital Programme 2023-24 - Further Allocations

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Education

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To approve a further allocation from the Children’s Services Capital Programme 2023-24. To note allocations made under delegated powers and the receipt of funds received/returned to the Children’s Services Capital Budget.


That the Cabinet Member for Education:


a)   notes the allocations made under delegated powers by the Children’s Services Head of Development and the Executive Director of Children’s Services as detailed in Appendix 2;


b)   notes the receipt of the funds received/returned to the Children’s Services Capital budget as detailed in Appendix 3; and


c)  approves the allocation of £206,525 from the 2023-24 School     Condition Allocation to the schemes detailed in Appendix 4.

Reasons for the decision:

To inform of the approvals made under delegated powers.


To inform of the return/receipt of funds.


To address the most pressing maintenance issues in schools to ensure the school estate is maintained to a high level.


To ensure there is sufficient capacity at schools in the County.

Alternative options considered:

The School Condition is an annual allocation of school condition capital from the DfE. This capital grant is to improve and maintain the condition of the school estate (buildings and grounds). The grant allocation is determined by the DfE and takes into account the information collected through the Property Data Survey programme. Basic need is an allocation from the DfE for providing new school places by either expanding existing schools or by establishing new schools in Derbyshire. The allocation is determined by the DfE based on the data collected in the School Capacity Survey (SCAP).


Allocations are made to address the most pressing condition related issues at schools and/or to provide places where pupil projections indicate there will be pressure on places in a school place planning area. The funding is to ensure there is sufficient capacity at all the schools involved and that the accommodation is suitable to support the delivery of education.


The School Condition Allocation must be spent in accordance with the terms of the grant toimprove and maintain the condition of the school estate and cannot be used for any alternative purposes. Similarly, the Basic Need Allocation must be spent in accordance with the terms of the grant to provide new school places.

Publication date: 06/02/2024

Date of decision: 06/02/2024

Effective from: 14/02/2024

Accompanying Documents: