Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Clean Growth and Regeneration
Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To seek the Cabinet Member’s
approval to continue the non-financial support of the Business Peak
District membership organisation.
To seek the Cabinet Member’s
approval to the retrospective signing of the updated
The Cabinet Member approved:
1) the continued non-financial support of Business Peak District membership organisation; and
2) the retrospective signing of the updated Concordat.
BPD and the Council have a long standing non-financial mutually beneficial relationship. Both organisations have shared objectives to support economic development and provide opportunities for residents to maximise their full potential.
The updated Concordat launch timescale did not allow for the approvals process to be achieved within that timescale. As the Council had been a signatory for the last 13 years, it was felt appropriate to sign the updated Concordat and seek retrospective approval to sign the Concordat.
Option 1: Do nothing - had been considered and discounted as BPD had already launched the Concordat which replaced the previous version. The Council had been a valued partner since BPD’s inception in 2010 and would want to continue to do so in the future.
Option 2: Do something different - had been considered and discounted. There was no alternative option that was a sensible alternative to engaging in the new Concordat and supporting BPD achieve its six priorities.
Publication date: 06/01/2025
Date of decision: 06/01/2025
Effective from: 14/01/2025
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