Decision details

Additional Stop Smoking advisors in partner organisations

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Health and Communities

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To seek approval to fund Derbyshire Addictions Services and Chesterfield FC Community Trust to deliver stop smoking services within their organisations.


The Cabinet Member:


  1.      Approve grant funding to Chesterfield Football Club Community Trust to deliver smoking cessation support to Derbyshire residents in recovery from substance use, at a total cost of £69,060.00 over nineteen months.


  1.      Approve grant funding to Derbyshire Addictions Advice Service to deliver smoking cessation support to Derbyshire residents in recovery from substance use, at a total cost of £73,973.47 over nineteen months.


  1.      Note that this spend will be funded through the additional Local Stop Smoking Services funding that the Council is receiving via a Section 31 Grant Agreement from the Office of Health Improvement and Disparities.


  1.      Note that the additional twelve months of grant funding to Chesterfield Football Club Community Trust and Derbyshire Addictions Advice Service is dependent on the Council receiving the additional Local Stop Smoking Services (LSSS funding from the Office of Health Improvement and Disparities for the 2025/2026 financial year. Break clauses will be included in the grant agreements to reflect this.


Reasons for the decision:

The ‘Stopping the Start’ command paper states the importance of local implementation and collaboration with community services to provide accessible support, which inherently reduces barriers to care. Integrating Stop Smoking support within CFCCT and DAAS, which are already embedded within communities, will reduce the barriers and obstacles facing Derbyshire residents, especially those in recovery from substance use to access Stop Smoking support.


Reducing barriers to accessing smoking cessation support will increase the number of individuals who are able to access support to stop smoking. This will increase the number of quit dates set, and reduce the number of individuals smoking in Derbyshire, contributing towards local and national targets.


Providing grant funding to these organisations will ensure that as much of the additional LSSS funding that the Council is receiving via a Section 31 Grant Agreement from OHID is spent to benefit the residents of Derbyshire. This contributes to mitigating the reputational risk of funding is not spent and being returned, not benefiting Derbyshire or contributing to Derbyshire’s smoking cessation agenda.


Including break clauses in the respective grant agreements will ensure that the additional twelve months of grant funding to CFCCT and DAAS is conditional on the Council receiving the additional LSSS funding from OHID for the 2025/2026 financial year. If the Council does not receive this additional funding for the 2025/2026 there will be no commitment to continue with grant funding.



Alternative options considered:

Do nothing, do not provide grant funding to AAS) and CFCCT. This is not recommended as if the funding is not provided then individuals in recovery from substance use dependence will continue to face significant obstacles? and barriers to access stop smoking support, and the number of smoking quit dates in Derbyshire for this target group will not increase. This option also carries reputational risk to the Council as the additional Stop Smoking funding received from OHID must be spent in year or be returned, therefore failure to grant this funding could result in funding not being spent to benefit Derbyshire residents.


Do something different and embed smoking cessation support in existing commissioned substance use services. This is not recommended, as whilst this approach was considered and discussed with current commissioned service providers, these providers reported that due to limited capacity and other considerations, they would be unable to embed this support within their service. Without the buy-in of service providers it is not possible to progress with this approach.


Approve the grant funding to DAAS and CFCCT to embed Stop Smoking support within their organisations (preferred option). Embedding Stop Smoking support in community organisations offering advice to those in recovery from substance use, and other harder to reach groups, will reduce barriers to engagement. This will increase the number of individuals accessing Stop Smoking support in Derbyshire, and the number of quit-dates set, contributing towards local and national quit-date targets. This will also ensure that as much of the additional LSSS funding that the Council is receiving from OHID is spent to benefit the residents of Derbyshire as possible.



Publication date: 23/08/2024

Date of decision: 23/08/2024

Effective from: 03/09/2024

Accompanying Documents: